Student Strike as a Critical Pedagogy Practice in Graphic Design Education

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Eduardo A. B. M. Souza
Paulo Carneiro Cunha Filho


This article reports on and analyzes the experience of undergraduate Industrial Arts Graphic Design students autonomously planning and holding an event (préocupe) using action research methods to address two issues: fragmentation of the student body and the feeling of inadequacy. By framing Vieira Pinto’s concepts of 'work' and 'critical consciousness', this research confirmed that students’ existential reality is akin to that of the working classes: they both work for others when performing their regular activities. The paper presents the statements of students gathered in a collective interview to demonstrate that préocupe instantiated the pedagogical essence of striking: developing the class’s critical consciousness. This work pertains to other initiatives challenging the spread of neoliberal education worldwide, and is a meaningful contribution to critical pedagogy practices in design education, with accounts of students developing both operational graphic design skills and critical consciousness autonomously.


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How to Cite
A. B. M. Souza, E., & Carneiro Cunha Filho, P. (2022). Student Strike as a Critical Pedagogy Practice in Graphic Design Education. Diseña, (21), Article.5.
Original Articles (part 1)
Author Biographies

Eduardo A. B. M. Souza, Instituto Federal de Pernambuco

Ph.D. candidate in Design at Univer­sidade Federal de Pernambuco. He holds a Master’s degree in Design at Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. He is instructor and researcher in the Graphic Design curriculum at Instituto Federal de Pernambuco, Campus Recife. The following stand out among his latest publications: ‘O dissenso como princípio pedagógico: Oficinas estudantis autônomas enquanto prática crítica’ (in De(s)colonizando o design, Nadifúndio, 2021); ‘A articulação não-convencional dos parâmetros do medium: A materialidade em Bartleby, o escrivão enquanto livro ilus­trado desobediente’ (in Blucher Design Proceedings, Blucher, 2021); and ‘Alternativas epistemológicas para o design da informação: a forma enquanto conteúdo’ (InfoDesign - Revis­ta Brasileira de Design Da Informação, Vol. 13, Issue 2).

Paulo Carneiro Cunha Filho, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

Ph.D. in Arts and Art Scien­ces, University of Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne. He is a retired full Professor at Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. Some of his latest publications include A Invenção de Tatuagem: O processo criativo de Hilton Lacerda (co-authored with M. Santos and G. Cruz; CEPE, 2021); Geneton: Viver de ver o verde mar (co-authored with A. Farache; CEPE, 2019); and A Imagem e seus Labirintos: O cinema clandestino do Recife, 1930-1964 (Nektar, 2014). As an author of experimental cinema (especia­lly shorts in super-8 and 16 millimeters), he has been honored at the 18th FestCine - Festival de Curtas de Pernambuco.


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